Obligatii legislative
Va mentionam cateva obligatii ale agentilor economici ce utilizeaza case de marcat fiscale, pentru a afla rapid informatiile esentiale de care aveti nevoie:
- Toti agentii economici care efectueaza incasari de la persoane fizice sunt obligati sa utilizeze case de marcat fiscale. Se pot completa facturi catre persoane fizice, insa nu si chitante, in locul acestora fiind necesara emiterea de bonuri fiscale. In cazul in care clienti dvs. sunt doar persoane juridice puteti emite catre acestia atat bonuri cat si chitante, asadar nu este obligatorie utilizarea unei case de marcat.
- Nu este permisa deschiderea si functionarea unui punct de lucru cu vanzare catre persoane fizice inainte de a avea casa de marcat fiscalizata.
- In termen de 24 de ore de la fiscalizarea casei de marcat reprezentantul firmei dvs. trebuie sa se prezinte la Administratia Financiara de care apartine punctul de lucru, cu o Declaratie de Instalare eliberata de unitatea de service, pentru a inregistra fiscalizarea, iar in termen de 7 zile de la eliberarea Certificatului cu numarul de ordine trebuie sa va prezentati la D.G.F.P. cu o Declaratie de Instalare.
- Bonurile emise catre clienti trebuie sa contina descrierea exacta a produselor sau a serviciilor platite. Asadar aveti obligatia de a avea memorate in casa de marcat toate denumirile articolelor pe care le comercializati.
- Este obligatorie efectuarea unui raport zilnic de golire la sfarsitul fiecarei zile in care ati folosit casa de marcat (raport Z). De asemenea este necesara emiterea in fiecare luna a unui raport ce totalizeaza vanzarile din luna ce s-a incheiat, raport ce se pastreaza in arhivele firmei si este scos in general de catre unitatea de service.
- Este obligatorie afisarea la vedere a textului "Va rugam solicitati si pastrati bonul fiscal". SEDONA va livreaza gratuit odata cu casa de marcat aceasta inscriptie.
- Dupa incetarea activitatii unui punct de lucru este obligatorie predarea la Administratia Financiara, impreuna cu un reprezentant al unitatii de service, a memoriei fiscale a casei de marcat.
Pentru mai multe informatii nu ezitati sa ne contactati.
Service agreement. In order to be sure that the activity of your company will not be disturbed by issues related to cash register, we offer you the most favorable service agreement: RON 22/month, VAT included, for the Municipality Bucharest, county Ilfov and county Constanta! This monthly subscription includes 4 interventions/month within maximum 24 hours from the request for remedy of defects, supplying with consumables, PLU settings and memorizing, new staff training or settings changes at cash register, immediate telephonic assistance. There is a monthly visit at a date agreed, for reviewing and extracting the monthly fiscal report. Also, based on the service agreement there are provided: a series of gratuities for several services such as handing over of memories, re-fiscalizations, passing to other company of the cash register, etc. ; discounts for the parts which are out of the guarantee period, and informing about the legal obligations of merchants. The month during which the Contract is signed is free and in case of paying 5 months in advance, the sixth is also free. If you are not satisfied of our services you can terminate any time this agreement, and the subscription paid in advance will be returned to you. You can send requests by phone, e-mail and fax or by SMS to the agent which is taking care of your apparatus. The daily program when we receive complaints and provide phone assistance is from Monday to Friday within 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Saturday within 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, except the legal holydays, and the daily program when we come to your headquarters is from Monday to Friday within 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Saturday within 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, except the legal holydays. Click here to learn about the SERVICE AGREEMENT. VIP service agreement. In case of the companies for which any interruption of the operation of cash registers is essential we offer a service agreement with special conditions. The subscription is of RON 90/month, VAT included and it includes unlimited interventions in priority regime for solving any requests related to the cash register. The daily program when we receive complaints and we come to the indicated headquarters is from Monday to Sunday within 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM, except the legal holydays, and the maximum time in which we arrive is 4 hours. Click here to learn more about the VIP service agreement. The sell-buy agreement for cash register rolls is concluded in case you don�t want a service Contract but you want to purchase paper rolls from our headquarters. This contract doesn�t imply any kind of subscription, being mandatory thru low for any kind of cash register consumables purchase. Click here to read the sell-buy agreement for cash register rolls. pentru a descarca integral legea caselor de marcat.